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On April 5, 2019, in the National Gallery of Armenia was held the opening of the exhibition "Form of the Colour: From Renaissance to Rococo". Within the framework of the exhibition are presented works brought from National Gallery of Italian Trieste city. These are the works of famous Italian masters of the 16-18th centuries. The exhibition will be open till June 16.

The exhibition includes works by prominent artists representing the Renaissance era and further stages of European art: 55 paintings and drawings. The richness and diversity of the Italian art are vividly expressed in the great works of Tortoretto, Canetto, Rubens, Bernardo Stroots, Pietro da Corona, Sodoma, Francesco Maffe, Batonie, Bernini, Gverchino. A number of works are devoted to one of the most favorite topics of Italian art - the Goddess.

The exhibition coordinator Dominique Laurea expressed hope that the exhibition will give a new story, will deliver a new word and will show the close connection between the Italian and Armenian people.

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